Los Estudiantes de la Nasa desarrollaron un software con el que podemos simular desde perfiles alares hasta pelotas en movimiento y muchos otros tipos de perfiles , calcular su sustentacion entre otras cosas.
Aca les dejo el link del software : http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/foil3.html
y el articulo :
FoilSim III: (80KB) FoilSim III computes the theoretical lift and drag of a variety of airfoil shapes. The user can control the shape, size, and inclination of the airfoil and the atmospheric conditions in which the airfoil is flying. The program includes a stall model for the airfoil, a model of the Martian atmosphere, and the ability to specify a variety of fluids for lift comparisons. The program has graphical and numerical output, including an interactive probe which you can use to investigate the details of flow around an airfoil.
Me parece sumamente interesante para quienes están ligados al aeromodelismo y a la aerodinámica.